Wednesday, May 19, 2010

As good a day as any

I'm 31 today. My hands shake just typing it. I used to journal a lot. A LOT. I'm used to writing down what goes on in my life. Or in my head. I kept pretty, decorative, private little books of everything I thought or felt. That is, until I met my husband.
Ahhh my husband, my whole inspiration for blogging. Let me explain. You see, I wrote all kinds of wonderful things about him after our 1st date. After we'd been together a while, we were talking one day about when we "knew" that the other was "the one". So I pulled out my trusty, private, little autobiography and read him what I thought after our first few hours together. He loved it. He blushed and smiled and kissed me and it was awesome. Apparently, however, me reading him the E.J. stuff in my journal was code for "please, read some more sometime, on your own." Hence the blogging.
I've never been a very modest or private person and that was never more handy than when I decided to share my life with kids and a husband. Not to mention my mother, the narrator of my life, lives with us. Its big, its unorganized, its overwhelming sometimes, but its totally us.
I stand in the middle of my chaos and giggle. Join me from time to time...

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